1.) Since our November newsletter, our action teams have made big strides toward a final climate action proposal. We hope you’ll enjoy reading this draft, which lays out our initial goals for university action. This will be presented to the SGA, Faculty Senate, and Staff Senate for their approval, and then we will make an official proposal to the Chancellor. We couldn’t have done this without the great ideas you provided at our general assemblies, open meetings, and through google forms. We are excited to continue this democratic and collaborative process moving forward. Stay tuned for how to continue to share your ideas!  Â
2.) On December 13, amid the hustle and bustle of snowy final exams, we had a fantastic meeting to chart the long-term strategy of our movement and the core values that will guide us. There’s plenty more to come, but this was a big step from initial excitement to a systematic and powerful movement. If you couldn’t make it but want to be deeply involved in guiding the movement’s strategy and ethics, please contact burkebj@appstate.edu

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3.) We have revived the faculty pledge to include climate in the curriculum where appropriate. In 2015, this pledge had 75 signatories from 25 departments. This is critical for getting faculty buy-in and creating a 21st century curriculum even as we wait for an official university response.       Â
4.) We have an exciting student pledge, just in time for your New Year’s resolutions.